Italian Beef: It's What's for Dinner in Denton.

Italian Beef: It's What's for Dinner in Denton.
The Picone Crew / photo courtesy of @picone_denton on Instagram

By Rob Curran

What's beef?

Tony of Picone's lasagna sandwich, with that blood-red ragu sauce of his, topped with a dollop of lemon ricotta. That's beef.

Bazinga! A closeup of Di Abruzzo's parsley-flecked meatball. That's also beef.

Beef is part of why we love the material we love, and part of why we hate to see the hate.

This time, it's really kicking off. We've got two of the greatest talents in the art, and they're both from the Community. And they're going straight at one another. You can't escape it, not if you live around here. They're all over your socials. One pops off with a serious beef bit, and you just know the other one's going to be up on your Insta with a reprisal. 

Things were tense enough in the Downtown Italian-food scene when Tony dropped his now infamous diss track. All of a sudden, security guards are rolling under tables every time an electric scooter rolls past. You just know Di Abruzzo's is coming back at Picone's but you don't know when or how. Are they going through their own Instagram account or just direct to the Denton Downtowners Facebook page? Anything could happen in this situation. Emotions are just too high. Because, if there's one thing the Di As do better than high-class Italian-American fare with fresh ingredients locally sourced, it's food posts.   

What's beef? Beef is when I see you, there's going to be a fusilli ragu.

 Yo fam! There's enough room in my belly for you both. One love.